On April 8th 2019, I wrote 4/8/2019 new reviews schedule which stated that we were moving to a new reviews schedule.

We are moving reviews to the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Video calls are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

The goal at the time was to make time to work on Jelly transitioning from reviewing proposals weekly to twice month.

At the time we decided we were going to try this until July 2nd. Today is July 1st, so we are due to discuss this.

What is the new proposal?

I propose that we continue to review projects on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Video calls are scheduled for the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. I will still handle all reviews and video calls for non-grant challenge projects.

Nicole will still review and onboard all grant challenge projects.

Denny will continue to operate our weekly newsletter.

This will be up for discussion during Tuesday meeting.

How long is this going to last for?

I propose that we continue this schedule until October 8th. That means we would revisit this schedule on October 8th.