This handbook is a draft created to onboard Bayleigh and Erika as Reviewers during the last week of August 2019. If you have feedback or suggestions for this document message @cindy on Slack.
Experiment Calendar
All About Reviews
All about Challenge Grants
Project status and payouts
Company Communication and Meetings
Experiment aims to support a culture that is welcoming and respectful. We strive to be good communicators so that we foster a healthy work environment where we can be productive and make great things together.
Regular Communications
- Working Hours - For Denny and Cindy, the day usually starts around 10AM Hawaii Standard Time (1PM Pacific Time or 4PM Eastern Time) with a standup post in #standup. We usually end the day at around 6PM Hawaii Standard Time (9PM Pacific Time or 12AM Eastern Time). During those times, Denny and Cindy are available to answer questions on Slack or meet over video chat.
- Meetings - We try to keep meetings to a minimum and when we do have them, they're well-organized with a specific agenda. Every meeting is remote-first, with every person in the meeting joining on video chat even if they are in the same room. No one should be left feeling disconnected or forgotten.
- The first Thursday of every month we will have a meeting where we share what went well and what didn't go well during the last month.
- Denny: This is currently on pause
How we communicate