Hello Marine Mammalogists, welcome. You’ve been selected for our first grants program.


My name is Cindy. I am one of the founders of Experiment and I will be your guide throughout the program. Most of your communication will be with me and Christina. Most of you have spoken to me or Christina on the phone already. If you haven’t please schedule a time to talk with us, so we can meet you.

We have written a Researcher Guide: https://experiment.com/guide. It is still a work in progress, so please reach out if anything is unclear or you want to request new sections.

This is a grants program, but do not treat it like a grant. The way this grant is structured, one team will be awarded $2,000 for recruiting the highest number of donors. Our ideal scenario is for 100% of you to successfully raise money, and we will do everything in our power to help you achieve that. Historically the success rate on Experiment is 48%. I expect the success rate for this group to be above 70%. We will be updating you with information on how to make your campaign a success.

Below I’ve outlined the deadlines and FAQ. If you would like us to add additional questions please send them to [email protected].

You’re a really unique set of scientists doing incredible work and we’re really looking forward supporting your research!


Deadlines (All deadlines are at 11:59PM Pacific Time):

~~First Draft Deadline: Monday January 11th~~

~~Late First Draft Deadline: Friday January 15th~~

~~Project Pages Finalized: Monday January 18th~~

~~Projects Launch: Tuesday January 26th 9AM PT~~

$2000 Grant Awarded: Tuesday February 16th

Program Finishes: Wednesday February 24rd

Donors Charged: Thursday February 25th

Funds Distributed: Friday February 26th - Friday March 4rd

Research Projects Start!: Saturday March 4th and onwards

Frequently Asked Questions: